Maltese, Maltepoos
Georgia State Licensed & Inspected
15 miles northeast of Macon, Ga...60- 90 minutes south of Atlanta, in Gray, Ga. (NO SHIPPING)
12 month written health guarantee on each pup & a starter kit. CKC registered on PUREBREDS. Deposits are $100.00 per pup (non refundable if you change your mind) - a deposit is to HOLD a pup for YOU (on a pup that's not ready to leave yet) . Most pups can leave at 8 weeks of age....tiny ones have to stay awhile longer. Puppies held after 8 weeks will incur an additional $7.00 per night surcharge for kennel board etc. I pledge to take a puppy back should circumstances ever arise that you the buyer cannot take care of it...
ALL purebred dogs have health problems of some kind in their lives, please read my puppy info page to read about the breeds that I raise...
Click here to see what pups are available NOW
PLEASE don't leave your fur baby outside alone.....
"A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes. Status symbol means nothing to him. A waterlogged stick will do just fine. A dog judges others not by their color or creed or class, but by who they are inside. A dog doesn't care if you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his. It was really quite simple, and yet we humans, so much wiser and more sophisticated, have always had trouble figuring out what really counts and what does not. As I wrote that farewell column to Marley, I realized it was all right there in front of us, if only we opened our eyes. Sometimes it took a dog with bad breath, worse manners, and pure intentions to help us see."
— John Grogan
...From the movie...."Marley & Me"
Have fun, obviously. Whenever possible, find someone to save and save them. Lick the ones you love. Don't get all sad faced about what happened and scrunchy-faced about what could. Just be here now. Be here, NOW. That's a dog's purpose.
Bailey...from the movie, A DOG'S PURPOSE.
— John Grogan
...From the movie...."Marley & Me"
Have fun, obviously. Whenever possible, find someone to save and save them. Lick the ones you love. Don't get all sad faced about what happened and scrunchy-faced about what could. Just be here now. Be here, NOW. That's a dog's purpose.
Bailey...from the movie, A DOG'S PURPOSE.
About me....
My babies...."Sir Armani" (Maltese), GIGi" (Toy Poodle), "YaYa"(Toy Poodle), "Monki" (Maltese), "Baby" (Minature Poodle, "Toi" (Toy Poodle) .....Hemi & "Ripa" ( Dobermans ), take turns sleeping with me every night (well actually "Ripa"& "Hemi" sleep wherever they want to, after all there are DOBERMANS)...They have their own clothes, & I spoil them rotten with gifts. There's not enough words to tell you how much they mean to me !
There is NO SUCH thing as "TEACUP " anything.....dont be ripped off by sky high's just a term used by some breeders to get your money.
I reserve the right to refuse the sale of a puppy to a home where I don't feel it will be loved and cared for. I look at what's in the best interest of my babies. It started out as a hobby over 50 years ago. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE dogs ! I strive for "Quality"... Not "Quantity". I have a small amount of dogs, (not all are breeders ) ...and would rather produce sound (QUALITY) pups, rather than masses of potential problems. I raise my babies here at my home. A 12 month written health guarantee leaves with each pup ...and a "puppy starter" kit....treats, sleeping "Buddy" and chew toys. If you love dogs as much as I do, then you know that they have feelings, aches and pains, just as we humans do. They rely on us for their every need. Each one comes with it's own personality, that can never to be replaced....and when its time to say goodbye to them," dogs leave tiny little paw prints on our hearts that can never be erased" (author: Myself ).
I take animals seriously ! A dog is not just for is a life long commitment. If you are thinking of buying someone (or yourself) a puppy as a gift...PLEASE find out if that's what they really want. ...and NEVER buy a pup on the spur of the moment without giving it a LOT of thought....because Puppies are not something you rent for a weekend.
A puppy doesn't understand when someone takes him to a new home that his new parents may not like cleaning up after him, he doesn't understand why someone yells at him because he didn't come to them as fast as they would like. No matter how outgoing a puppy is at the breeders home, he may be afraid and shy in his new home....after all, he has never seen the stranger that has taken him to this strange place. He doesn't understand yelling or running him under furniture to chase him down to make him love his new owner. He only understands that he has left the only mother ( & home ) he has ever known...and he doesn't know what to do.
Please be patient with him... If you don't think you can invest 10-15 years of your time with a pet...please don't take one home with you. They are not a toy you play with and place on a shelf when you are tired. They need constant care...just like a human baby.
They need food, water, cleaning up after accidents, vaccines, etc. ...but most of all they need love, patience & understanding. They may cry the first few nights, they may not know who your children are...because I don't have any small children in my home. Sometimes puppies don't turn out the way the new owner wants it to because there are children in the home...and kids are kids no matter who they belong to. If kids run the puppy everywhere, it will become withdrawn and afraid....and almost impossible to housebreak....and can learn to "snap" at a child to defend itself. It needs some "quiet time" until it gets used to its surroundings.
I am not a "show breeder", I just love dogs. Although you could end up with a puppy of show quality, I do not guarantee it. I raise family pets. I don't want your money if you are going to take a puppy from my home & not care for it properly. I don't have a "weekend puppy rental" program either. When you take a pup to your's YOUR responsibility to house break it. I know from experience that some people raise their dog like they do their children...let them have their way. My dogs KNOW who their master is and all of mine are housebroke...even my Dobermans who are over 100 lbs. A puppy is for will give you his love....don't he deserve yours in return?
"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog". You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy such "devotion" . Please think about the life you are thinking of adopting. It won't always be the cute pup it is now...Someday it will be old, its teeth may fall out, it may go blind, or it can't get around due to arthritis (which may cause Vet bills)...Will you love it then? If the answer is "Yes", then you are truly a dog loving person...
My babies...."Sir Armani" (Maltese), GIGi" (Toy Poodle), "YaYa"(Toy Poodle), "Monki" (Maltese), "Baby" (Minature Poodle, "Toi" (Toy Poodle) .....Hemi & "Ripa" ( Dobermans ), take turns sleeping with me every night (well actually "Ripa"& "Hemi" sleep wherever they want to, after all there are DOBERMANS)...They have their own clothes, & I spoil them rotten with gifts. There's not enough words to tell you how much they mean to me !
There is NO SUCH thing as "TEACUP " anything.....dont be ripped off by sky high's just a term used by some breeders to get your money.
I reserve the right to refuse the sale of a puppy to a home where I don't feel it will be loved and cared for. I look at what's in the best interest of my babies. It started out as a hobby over 50 years ago. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE dogs ! I strive for "Quality"... Not "Quantity". I have a small amount of dogs, (not all are breeders ) ...and would rather produce sound (QUALITY) pups, rather than masses of potential problems. I raise my babies here at my home. A 12 month written health guarantee leaves with each pup ...and a "puppy starter" kit....treats, sleeping "Buddy" and chew toys. If you love dogs as much as I do, then you know that they have feelings, aches and pains, just as we humans do. They rely on us for their every need. Each one comes with it's own personality, that can never to be replaced....and when its time to say goodbye to them," dogs leave tiny little paw prints on our hearts that can never be erased" (author: Myself ).
I take animals seriously ! A dog is not just for is a life long commitment. If you are thinking of buying someone (or yourself) a puppy as a gift...PLEASE find out if that's what they really want. ...and NEVER buy a pup on the spur of the moment without giving it a LOT of thought....because Puppies are not something you rent for a weekend.
A puppy doesn't understand when someone takes him to a new home that his new parents may not like cleaning up after him, he doesn't understand why someone yells at him because he didn't come to them as fast as they would like. No matter how outgoing a puppy is at the breeders home, he may be afraid and shy in his new home....after all, he has never seen the stranger that has taken him to this strange place. He doesn't understand yelling or running him under furniture to chase him down to make him love his new owner. He only understands that he has left the only mother ( & home ) he has ever known...and he doesn't know what to do.
Please be patient with him... If you don't think you can invest 10-15 years of your time with a pet...please don't take one home with you. They are not a toy you play with and place on a shelf when you are tired. They need constant care...just like a human baby.
They need food, water, cleaning up after accidents, vaccines, etc. ...but most of all they need love, patience & understanding. They may cry the first few nights, they may not know who your children are...because I don't have any small children in my home. Sometimes puppies don't turn out the way the new owner wants it to because there are children in the home...and kids are kids no matter who they belong to. If kids run the puppy everywhere, it will become withdrawn and afraid....and almost impossible to housebreak....and can learn to "snap" at a child to defend itself. It needs some "quiet time" until it gets used to its surroundings.
I am not a "show breeder", I just love dogs. Although you could end up with a puppy of show quality, I do not guarantee it. I raise family pets. I don't want your money if you are going to take a puppy from my home & not care for it properly. I don't have a "weekend puppy rental" program either. When you take a pup to your's YOUR responsibility to house break it. I know from experience that some people raise their dog like they do their children...let them have their way. My dogs KNOW who their master is and all of mine are housebroke...even my Dobermans who are over 100 lbs. A puppy is for will give you his love....don't he deserve yours in return?
"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog". You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy such "devotion" . Please think about the life you are thinking of adopting. It won't always be the cute pup it is now...Someday it will be old, its teeth may fall out, it may go blind, or it can't get around due to arthritis (which may cause Vet bills)...Will you love it then? If the answer is "Yes", then you are truly a dog loving person...